SUMMIT 2022 - Toddington Harper

Toddington Harper, founder and CEO of Gridserve, said his technology company was not only planning to deliver more than 100 electric forecourts across the UK, but also develop solutions to grid connection problems.

“What we’ve done is we’ve got solutions of a large scale, and we’ve got solutions on very small scale, where we can integrate batteries in very, very small format, we’ve got the highest density batteries you can get basically on the planet, to really help fix grid connections,” he said.

“And so if you’re being told that you want to put a grid connection, you want to put charging in, but it’s too expensive, or it’s gonna take too long, there’s a good possibility that you might be able to speed that up by integrating that with a battery. As a result, we’re putting these in about three years ahead of when the grid tells us we can, and at a fraction of the cost as well.”

He also said that when his company talks about chargers, he meant high-powered chargers: “You need to be future-proofed – technology is changing incredibly quickly. It’s really about 350 kilowatts., and if you’re able to put these chargers in your site, then theoretically you can supply 100 miles of charging in five minutes, meaning these chargers can also be highly profitable.”

Harper concluded: “We’re on a mission to deliver sustainable energy on a real scale, and we can make an impact on climate change which is clearly a huge issue facing the world.”