Bonds Confectionery has announced it is to increase its 39p offering by two lines, with the addition of Candy Sticks and Fizzy Cherry Cola Bottles, taking the number of products in the range to 42.

The Candy Sticks and Fizzy Cherry Cola Bottles, retail at 39p for 50g or three bags for £1.

Philip Courtenay-Luck, managing director of Bonds Confectionery, commented: “Candy Sticks and Fizzy Cherry Cola Bottles have been popular for many years, and by introducing these to our 39p range we’re sure many people will rediscover their love for these tasty treats. The 39p range has further expansion planned within the next year as it proves extremely popular with retailers of all sizes; this is down to not only the fantastic price point, but also the fact that they’re easy to merchandise.”

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