
Source: Steve Rodell

Steve Rodell’s favourite day: ‘Finding a quiet run away from the lifts with no one around and listening to the absolute silence for a moment’

Since becoming head (md) of retail at commercial property specialist Christie & Co 14 years ago, Steve Rodell and his team have been behind the sale of thousands of petrol stations. But apart perhaps from his new gym buddy, Tony Walker, a former director of MFG, few in the industry will know the man behind the deal-making handshake.

Name: Steve Rodell

Job title: Managing director of Retail & Leisure at Christie & Co.

01. Career history: I graduated in 1995 with an honours degree in Estate Surveying. I then worked in the pub, restaurant and hotel industry as an agent and valuer for around 12 years, culminating in being recruited as a hotel agent dealing with ‘corporate’ hotels and developments for Christie & Co’s hotel team.

I was recruited into Christie & Co at rather an awkward time in February 2008. Those old enough will recall this was just as the credit crunch bit and recession followed. ‘Last in first out’, or so I thought… not so!

I was asked to use my networking and business development skills to head up the company’s Bank Support & Business Recovery activity and target bankers and turnaround/insolvency professionals across the UK. This was very successful and we recruited a colleague to carry this on, and he still works on this today. This left me available to head up the Retail Team which I have been doing for the past 14 years or so.

During this time, I have dealt with the sale, acquisition or valuation of I don’t know exactly how many petrol stations. What I can say with certainly is that since my appointment as head (MD) of retail, we have advised on 7,564 petrol filling stations and counting!

02. Dream job: Ski guide or photographer.

03. What do you drive? Audi A5 (2.0 petrol).

04. Perfect day: Glorious bluebird day on the slopes, taking in the beautiful scenery and fresh air. Finding a quiet run away from the lifts with no one around and listening to the absolute silence for a moment.

05. Best holiday: Generic holiday? Skiing of course! Otherwise, when we first went abroad with our kids in the sun, and they were old enough for us to relax! Think it was Majorca with a lot of gin by the pool.

06. Holiday wish-list: I’d like to go skiing in the USA or Canada, or Barbados to swim in the open sea with dolphins, or to the Kennedy Space Centre to see the Saturn V rocket. Other places on the wish-list include Sri-Lanka – as so many clients tell me how great it is, and we were supposed to go there during Covid years. Also, I went to spend leisure time in Scotland – I’ve only been there for business, and Ireland if they can promise no rain: we have friends in Westport on the west coast, which is surrounded by stunning scenery and the town has an amazing vibe!

07. Favourite read: I don’t tend to read fiction as I have to read all day at work. I’d rather listen to music (got to be metal).

08. Three words to describe yourself: Professional, loyal, fair.

09. Possessions you could not do without: Phone, keys, wallet and I have just got myself a reMarkable digital notepad, and since buying it have hardly used pen and paper.

10. What do you most admire? People who set a goal and do just what they want to.

11. Favourite sports person: The retired British rower Steve Redgrave – what a legend, to have the dedication and love of a sport to stay competitive for long enough to win medals at five consecutive Olympics – that spans 20 years!

12. Best news over the past 12 months: Dad’s all clear from any cancer.

13. Recent achievements: I started going to the gym to get fit gain and have been consistently since September 2024. I’m now a gym buddy with Tony Walker, ex MFG – what a coincidence!

14. What’s your pet peeve: People walking towards me face down in their phone paying no attention whatsoever. It’s fun to let them walk into me and feel awkward!

15. Biggest fear: My kids not being happy in life.

16. Most important qualities in the workplace: Honesty, respect for others and hard work

17. What motivates you? To do my best for other people – family, friends, colleagues and clients.

18. Best thing about the job: Mentoring the people I work with and being a part of their development.

19. Best bit of business advice you have ever received: Build your own personal brand irrespective of who you work with/for. People will remember you not your organisation.

20. Most recent business achievement of note: Retail was named 2024 Christie & Co Team of the Year – for the first time in 90 years of Christie & Co.