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Natalie Cattermole, pictured with her sons, describes herself as high energy, passionate and determined

BP’s Natalie Cattermole

Natalie Cattermole might choose a teapot as the possession she could not do without. But don’t let that make you think that she leads a sedentary lifestyle. She describes herself as “high energy” and she loves having a swim in the sea, or avoiding sea snakes while scuba diving in Borneo.

Name: Natalie Cattermole

Job title: UK dealer sales senior manager 

Natalie Cattermole became BP’s UK dealer sales senior manager this summer, the first woman in the role for more than 20 years, with ambitions to improve customer loyalty, and to help build resilient businesses across the company’s 850 dealer sites.

Her priorities include reviewing the energy giant’s dealer network to identify opportunities, and to encourage customer choice across fuel, and with electric vehicle charging, convenience and the Wild Bean Cafe micro-market offer, of coffee, iced drinks and hot food.

01. Career history:

I’ve been at BP for 11 years, the majority of that time in marketing roles in our UK retail business and global brand. Until recently, I was the UK marketing director before I moved into the dealer sales senior manager role in May this year. Before BP, I spent 10 years at Sainsbury’s – from shop floor, to central retail support into marketing.

02. Dream job:

Midwife – being present for a family at such a momentous moment in someone’s life.

03. What do you drive?

Mazda CX5 –a beaten up and much-loved family car!

04. Perfect day:

A swim in the sea at my favourite beach in the world – Embelton Bay, Northumberland.

05. Best holiday:

Scuba diving in Borneo, the dive sites are well protected and stunning.

06. Holiday wish-list:

Anywhere near the sea, ideally where I can dive.

07. Favourite read:

The Robin Hobb Farseer trilogy. I like to escape when I read with a good long series, I can immerse myself in.

08. Three words to describe yourself:

High energy, passionate and determined.

09. Possession you could not do without:

A teapot, with tea of course.

10. What do you most admire?

I admire the brilliant women I work with. I have been lucky enough to have been supported by some fantastic women in retail throughout my career. I am keen to support, see and hear from more women in the forecourt industry.

11. Favorite sports person:

I am not a sports fan, but if I reflect on people in the public eye, I do love a bit of science. The work of Tim Spector and his studies into the power of the microbiome is fascinating.

12. Best news over the past 12 months:

My best friend being awarded a large grant to continue her study of the genetics of human reproduction and development at Kings College London. I’m so proud and excited for her.

13. Recent achievements:

Being appointed as the dealer sales senior manager in UK. Being able to take my customer, retail and fuels knowledge into a new part of the UK BP business

14. What’s your pet peeve:

I’m originally from Gateshead, but as a long-term Londoner I’m afraid its meandering walkers on busy streets.

15. Biggest fear:

Aside from anything harming my family, it would be sea snakes. They are poisonous and they swim faster than me!

16. Most important qualities in the workplace:

Collaboration and being able to work with experts in their field.

17. What motivates you?

Bringing an idea from a piece of paper to life. The brilliant thing about retail is how quickly you can do this.

18. Best thing about the job:

I love the entrepreneurial spirit in the forecourt business and how quickly the business owners I meet can connect with their customer needs and solve them.

19. Best bit of business advice you have ever received:

Work alone you go fast, work with others you go far.

20. Most recent business achievement of note.

Seeing the great number of BP sites as finalists in this year’s Forecourt Trader awards including, BP’s own Wild Bean Cafe micro-market initiative as a finalist. This represents many months of hard work from my team and partnership with our dealers to land a fantastic offer for customers on the road. Being recognised as a finalist is a fantastic achievement for the team.