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Transport is one of the most challenging and complex sectors of the UK economy to decarbonise, said head of new environmental taskforce, Lord Deben

The head of a new task force that will advise the next government on its strategy to reduce transport’s environmental impact has warned that progress to net zero has stalled or gone backwards.

Lord Deben – the former environment secretary John Gummer – made his remarks today as the Council for Net Zero Transport unveiled its members.

They include the leaders of trade bodies Fuels Industry UK, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, the RAC Foundation and the Automobile Association, as well as electric vehicle lease specialist Octopus.

Lord Deben said that May’s High Court decision that the government’s Carbon Budget Delivery Plan was unlawful “underlines the scale of the challenge facing the next government” after the election on 4 July. “Progress on net zero has stalled. In some areas we’ve gone backwards.”

He added: “Transport is one of the most challenging and complex sectors of the UK economy to decarbonise. It is also responsible for around a quarter of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions.”

Lord Deben went on: “This new council brings together very experienced people in key positions and with the widest range of perspectives to help us forge an evidence-based, multi-stakeholder consensus on how we can maximise the benefits from this essential – and inevitable – transition.”

The council has been set up by Zemo Partnership, a non-profit, public-private partnership that aims to accelerate the shift to low carbon fuels and zero emission vehicles. It has been working for more than 20 years to provide advice to government and industry on initiatives to accelerate road transport decarbonisation.

The Council for Net Zero Transport will provide “strategic oversight and help steer the direction”, says Zemo, and provide updates on its progress at quarterly briefings from September.