Explanation of Argus Wholesale prices
Please see below for explanation of how Argus prices are derived at including product specification.
Argus is a leading international and independent price reporting agency with nearly 500 full-time staff spread across offices in each of the world’s principal energy centres.
With Argus Media’s complete coverage of the wholesale market, companies in the UK are offered direct access to the wholesale market enabling them to respond quickly to price developments and compete more effectively. Access can be via the web, PDF reports or direct data feeds with updates both during the day and end of day.
The Argus contact for Downstream fuels in the UK is Josefine Ahlström,
e-mail: josefine.ahlstrom@argusmedia.com
>> Visit the Argus Media website to find out more
Argus gasoline barges NWE - Eurobob oxy:
The gasoline price shown is the average of last week’s daily Argus Eurobob price converted into pence per litre.
The Argus Eurobob price is the major benchmark for wholesale gasoline trading in northwest Europe. The assessment is based on barge sizes of 1,000-2,000 tonnes traded in the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp area. The daily gasoline price is calculated using a volume-weighted average of deals done that comply with Argus criteria during the day (9:00am to 5:30pm London time).
The specifications reflect grades of gasoline that meet EN228 specifications with a maximum of 10ppm sulphur after they have been blended with 4.8pc ethanol.
Argus diesel UK ultra-low sulphur cif
The diesel price shown is the average of last weeks’ daily Argus UK ultra-low sulphur diesel (ULSD) cif prices converted into pence per litre.
The daily Argus UK ULSD cif price is based on the Intercontinental Exchange (Ice) settlement price, which is the forward market for diesel. The daily price is assessed as a differential to the Ice settlement price. This differential is assessed on the basis of price information provided to Argus during the day (8:30am to 5:30pm London time).
Argus UK ULSD cif is assessed based on cargo sizes of 10,000-15,000 tonnes, including insurance and freight (“cif”) using UK Thames estuary as the delivery basis. The specifications are 10ppm sulphur with 0.835 specific gravity at 15°C.
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