Every inch of your store should be earning you money. No-one can afford to have big gaps intheir displays gathering dustm because that means potential income lost.
But these days of keeping shelves filled to their optimum earning potential is more of a sicence than an art, and it goes by the name of category management.
Manuacturers and supplier have invested a great deal of time and money, gathering and analysing comprehensive research that shows precisely the whys and wherefores of how consumers think when they venture into your shop. They make it their business to know about and understand consumer behaviour.
They know that a moment’s hesitation here or there because a consumer can’t find what they’re looking for, and a sale can be list.
Equally, for those who have taken the trouble to follow the planograms and stock-ordering procedures that suit theri shopper profile, the opposite can be true. the purchase of one proeduct can lead to the purchase of another - such as gathering items for breakfast, or an evening meal. If a customer can’t find the right starting point - picking up a sandwich or pasty for lunch for example, they might decide to go somewhere else for all of it, the retailer having potentially missed out onthe sale of a drink and chocolate bar.
Stocking the right wine or beer in an easily accessible way - chilling can be a critical factor - could lead to further sales of big snacking packs, or family-sized confectionery bags.
Category management has a simple goal - to provide consumers with what they want, where they want it , and when they want it. It is a structured process which provides a framework for retailers and suppliers to work together strategically.
So don’t let your customers walk out of the door with less than they might have bought - Download the category management/planogram pdfs below to see how the following key suppliers can help you.
Category | Supplier | ||
Batteries | Download Category Guide (pdf) | ||
Car Care | Download Category Guide (pdf) | ||
Confectionery | Download Category Guide (pdf) | ||
Energy Drinks | Download Category Guide (pdf) | ||
Food to go | Download Category Guide (pdf) | ||
Mints & Gum | Download Category Guide (pdf) | ||
Soft Drinks | Download Category Guide (pdf) | ||
Tobacco | Download Category Guide (pdf) |
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