== Fuel price counts ==
A new survey has found that 94% of customers choose a regular petrol station based on the price of fuel. The findings, released by measurement specialist Grass Roots, has shown that in a league table of factors driving the decision-making process, the price of fuel came out top, followed by location (77%) and opening hours (66%), loyalty programme (51%), level of customer service (43%), reputation of the brand (30%). Product availability scored low on the list of priorities, with car washes scoring 14% and bakery products just 4%. The results were based on a sample size of 5,469, consisting of 26% males, and 74% females.
== Saving road miles ==
Musgrave Retail Partners GB expects to save more than 1.3 million road miles by using its backhauling network. Backhauling involves using the same Musgrave vehicle that has just delivered to a store, picking up products from a nearby supplier en route back to the retailer service centres (RSC) rather than the supplier delivering stock direct to the RSCs on its own vehicles.
== Going down - 4x4s ==
The economic downturn means that downsizing cars - trading larger models for smaller, more fuel-efficient motors - will be a significant trend this year, according to Which? Car. A previously healthy market for 4x4s has just about collapsed as expensive, gas-guzzling cars like 4x4s become socially unacceptable - unless you’re a farmer. Buyers have also been turned off by high taxes and some models’ disappointing reliability.
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