== New-look magazine ==
Well, for starters, I hope you like your new-look Forecourt Trader. We’ve freshened up the pages, and introduced some new design features, to squeeze more of the things you want to read about into the magazine. Nothing too radical, just an enhancement of a well-established and, what we know to be, much-loved product. Further developments will be introduced along the way, including an upgrade of our website, forecourttrader.co.uk.
== PRA restructure ==
Talking of new developments, something else that is seeking to change itself in a far more radical way is the Petrol Retailers’ Association. Ray Holloway has said he will play no part in the structure of any organisation that emerges - following the current in-depth review - to form the PRA in future years. He could be gone from the organisation within months. He doesn’t want to be a barrier to the changes that he feels are necessary and appropriate to cater for the operators associated with the forecourt industry of tomorrow. He really wants all the petrol retailers operating in the UK to make an effort to participate in creating an organisation to represent their needs.
He feels it should be inclusive - ie supermarkets - rather an exclusive. He wants it to be a strong organisation representative of its membership, and supported by its membership. He wants it to focus on the positive, not just the negative; and for the organisation - not one person as the figurehead - to stand on its own. But what do you want? Ray has been at the helm of the PRA for more than 10 years and despite all his efforts, has had his fair share of knockers among the retailing fraternity. Some of that has come from the fact that TV interviewers seek him out for comments on the oil industry as a whole, rather than for the concerns of petrol retailers - often not a cause the general public has much sympathy for.
But isn’t that the point? Is it time for a new body - or just a new face to represent your needs? There is still time to put up or shut up.
Don’t forget to come to the car wash meeting on March 3, at 11am in the Take More, Make More area at IFFE. See you there.
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