Major oil companies have failed to demonstrate the sustainability of their biofuels, according to the Renewable Fuels Agency, in its latest report on the impacts of the biofuel supplied in the first year of the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO). The report
claims that fossil fuel suppliers Morgan Stanley and Topaz have missed all three government performance targets, while Chevron, Murco and Topaz failed to report any fuel meeting the RTFO’s Environmental Qualifying Standard. As well as companies with poor results, there were several that failed to have their data verified to the RFA’s satisfaction, such as BP, Murco and Prax.
At the other end of the scale, ConocoPhillips, Greenergy and Mabanaft are identified for meeting all three government targets. ConocoPhillips and Mabanaft sourced feedstock certified to the British ’ACCS’ sustainability standard; Greenergy undertook independent sustainability audits of Brazilian sugar cane; and Mabanaft and Greenergy supplied much of their fuel from wastes and byproducts.
The RFA’s CEO Nick Goodall said: "Many companies are meeting the challenge of sourcing biofuels responsibly. However, too many are lagging behind and dragging overall performance down... Companies like Morgan Stanley and Topaz need to make a step change in performance."
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