The Forecourt Trader Top 50 Indies Dinner took place on Tuesday 25th February 2020 at The Belfry Hotel & Resort.
In its 14th year, this exclusive event, the only one of its kind in the industry, heralds the publication of the latest Top 50 listing ¬ an annual league table of the UK’s biggest independent fuel retailers.
The dinner has become a must-attend event for the industry’s largest operators, as they network with oil company executives and key suppliers to the sector, as well as other like-minded retailers.
Highlights from the 2020 Top Indies Dinner
Sponsorship opportunities for the 2021 event, contact:
Tim Shepley
Tel: +44 (0) 1293 610337
For further information about the event contact:
Ellie Knight
Tel: +44 (0) 1293 846608
Company Secretary & General Counsel
Robert Proctor
+44 (0) 1293 610401
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