Residents of Tring in Hertfordshire have started a petition to stop the only forecourt in the historic market town from closing. A planning application has been lodged with Dacorum Borough Council to turn the current Shell garage and Market Autos site into a four-storey block of luxury flats for the over-55s.
The petitioners’ concerns are listed as follows:
• The only petrol station in the town will be removed for this development. Residents will have to travel to neighbouring towns to fill up their cars
• The proposed four-storey development is out of character with the surrounding low-level buildings
• The development does not provide low-cost housing for a younger population, hence will not help attract and retain younger people wanting to live and work in the town
• The development will sit on the corner of Mortimer Hill and Brook Street: a busy junction in an already congested area – especially around school hours – and many think proposed parking plans are far from adequate
• For local residents especially, views of the picturesque church will be blocked and gardens will become overlooked.
When Forecourt Trader posted this article, the petition had 1,654 supporters. To sign it go to
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