Dairylea is launching a new on-pack promotion this month giving consumers the chance to win unlimited Vue 3D cinema passes for the whole family. There are 13 annual family passes to be won, one per week, with additional Vue cinema family tickets being given away every day.

The promotion will run across Dairylea Dunkers multipacks, Dairylea Stripcheese and Lunchables products with limited edition moo-vie inspired packaging designs. Consumers simply need to enter a barcode from a promotional pack of Dairylea on the Dairylea.co.uk website for their chance to win. It will be supported with digital and in-store activation.

Philip Warfield, senior brand manager Dairylea and Grocery, said: “We are excited to be offering shoppers added value with this promotion, and to focus on the family aspect of the brand with the great prizes to be won thanks to Vue Cinemas.”

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