McVitie’s has launched McVitie’s Penguin Mini Biscuits in a new multipack format. Offering individually bagged mini penguin shaped biscuits, the launch has a forecasted RSV of £1 million.
The new multipack, which has a RSP of £1.69, includes a range of six inner bags for the McVitie’s Penguin Mini Biscuits. These feature several new petite penguin characters and "a selection of brrrrrilliant jokes".
Rolling out across grocery and convenience stores from mid-January, the range will form part of the wider McVitie’s Sweeet campaign which has seen a £20m investment to date and continues to drive brand awareness and reappraisal across the whole McVitie’s portfolio.
McVitie’s brand director Kerry Owens commented: “McVitie’s Penguin is a well-established and well-loved family favourite so we are incredibly excited to introduce this new format to the market. The new miniature biscuits allow us to continue to bring chocolate-filled chuckles and liven up snacking. As the largest NPD for the brand for several years, we anticipate strong shopper demand to see it on shelf in-store.”
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