Convenience store retailers need to cash in on the fact that 93% of shopping trips in the channel are for the ’something for tonight’ mission, according to new research by Diageo GB. Following an in-depth research project into shopper behaviour in the total off-trade, Diageo has unveiled recommendations for convenience stores, highlighting the opportunities available to retailers to understand their shoppers better and maximise sales.

Roz Nash, senior category development manager at Diageo, said: "Something for tonight is an exciting platform for us to work from with our customers. We want to use this multi-layered intelligence to help our customers remove barriers to purchase and have the most appropriate range on offer.

"This includes captialising on the growth of 35cl packs, for example, as well as addressing quality and pricing perceptions.

"Diageo GB commissioned this research to understand what drives shoppers to a store and their resultant actions. Based on the findings, we have already started looking at our range and promotions to deliver to shopper needs.

"This is the most comprehensive shopper understanding research Diageo GB has conducted and it shows the future is bright for convenience."

Every aspect of shopper behaviour has been analysed and translated into workable recommendations for the trade.

These include:

The opportunity to better target a male audience compared to larger grocery stores;

Capitalising on the ’something for tonight’ opportunity with the correct pack sizes and formats;

Utilising ’mission relevant’ promotions such as meal deals;

Bringing spirits out from behind the counter;

Understanding that shoppers are willing to pay a premium as a trade off for the convenience of their experience.

Conducted with Kantar Worldpanel, Shopper Centric & Him, the study covered the analysis of purchase data, shopper demographics, missions and store segmentation.

It will be the foundation for Diageo’s future plans including pack strategy, promotional recommendations and display development.

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