Shell haydock island

Shell has been granted planning permission to add three EV charging stations to serve five bays at its Haydock Island Petrol Station in Lancashire.

The company put in a revised planning application to St Helens Borough Council after originally submitting plans for just four charging bays. It has also removed the steel canopy that was previously proposed.

New infrastructure will include a substation and an LV GRP cabinet, which will be located on an enclosed hardstanding area formerly occupied by an LPG tank.

The EV points would be enclosed within a new courtyard with timber fence post and rail.

The council said the EV charging points and the associated cabinets were considered moderate in scale and appropriate within the context of the wider activities associated with the filling station. “The moderate nature of these charging facilities would not overly clutter the area,” it stated.

The proposal does not include any changes to the existing access arrangements, fuel forecourt or shop. Vehicular access will remain the same – from the A580 and Haydock Island Roundabout.

Pedestrian access will be provided from the EV bays to the shop, to ensure safe pedestrian access across the site.
