A Cornish council has negotiated with two forecourts to give locals 2ppl off fuel. Saltash residents who have a Saltash Card can get 2ppl off fuel at the BP at Granada Services and the Texaco forecourt on the A38.
The Saltash Card, which costs £2, was introduced just over a year ago to help benefit both Saltash residents and local businesses. There are currently over 1,000 cardholders with discount offers across 25 shops and businesses.
The offer has been running at the Malthurst-owned Texaco site for six weeks while it goes live at the BP site today (March 10). The manager at Texaco said the link with the Saltash Card had definitely boosted business with 10-12 more people coming in per day to fill up with petrol.
Councillor Joe Ellison said it took around six months to negotiate the deal. He told Forecourt Trader: “We definitely expect more people to get a Saltash Card because of this deal. After all it will only take around two tanks of petrol for it to have paid for itself.”
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