A packed issue greets you this month - the end of a busy month for us and the start of a busy month for everyone attending the International Forecourt and Fuel Equipment exhibition which kicks off on Sunday, April 6 and runs for four days.
I would urge you to attend - if for no other reason than to see the Car Wash Campaign Group (CWCG) in action in the ’Information for Independent Retailers’ area on the Monday of the show at 11am.
Forecourt Trader has been supporting this campaign, which has been set up to represent the interests of all responsible car wash businesses in the UK. Car washing is an essential profit centre for many forecourt operations, and the industry cannot afford to see it eroded by cowboy and non-compliant operators. Recognition by local authorities of the value of keeping well-run car washes in operation during times of drought is also essential.
If you don’t catch the presentation, you will be able to meet up with CWCG representatives on stand A29 throughout the exhibition. IFFE runs alongside the Convenience Retailing Show as well as Food & Drink Expo and Foodex Meatex, so there are plenty of things of interest (see details in our show preview, page 45).
Other highlights in this issue include the publication of our third Top 50 Indies supplement, which shows the ever-changing picture of the biggest independent fuel retail operators in the UK. It shows clearly how many companies continue to go from strength to strength - Malthurst is still at number one and counting - while others benefit from selling up.
This month also sees the launch of the Forecourt Trader Awards. Don’t miss it!
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