Transport for London (TfL) has launched an online ‘temporary road changes’ planning tool, enabling London’s road users to see how the areas where they live, work and visit will be affected.

The new tool, which is searchable by postcode, currently includes information about the Olympic and Paralympic route networks and the road event routes in London. More information, including traffic management around the road events routes and venues, will be added to the temporary road changes tool in early June. 

Launching the planning tool, TfL reminded road users that, as it is turned into a massive sporting and cultural venue, roads in central London and around Games venues – the ‘hotspot’ locations – will be much busier than usual.  

TfL therefore advises that motorists should avoid central London and around the Olympics road networks and venues during Games time, and avoid the areas around the 2012 Games road event courses on competition days. It added that every day of the Games is different so if driving is essential, motorists should plan ahead and allow more time, and to find out how to avoid road hotspots during the Games, go to 

Garrett Emmerson, TfL’s chief operating officer for surface transport, said: “TfL is doing everything we can to make sure people are aware of, and can comply with, the changes that will be made to London’s roads during the Games.  

“Roads in central London and around venues will be exceptionally busy during the Games. The temporary roads changes tool that we’ve launched today means roads users can see where there will be changes to the road network, allowing them to plan ahead. Our advice is to avoid driving in central London and around the Olympics route networks and venues or, if journeys are absolutely essential, to plan ahead and allow extra time.” 

Following a year of consultation with residents, businesses, boroughs and other interested groups, and after many amendments to ensure the plans keep London’s traffic moving while Host City commitments are met, the temporary traffic changes along the 109 mile route networks have now been confirmed by the Olympic Delivery Authority with the consent by the Secretary of State for Transport. These changes, including banned turns into some side roads and where the 30 miles of Games lanes are located, have been included in the online planning tool at