
Cadbury Fingers is launching a new integrated campaign created in partnership with the National Deaf Children’s Society.

The latest chapter of its For Fingers Big and Small campaign series, Sign with Fingers Big and Small encourages people to learn some British Sign Language (BSL) to help people come together.

The latest campaign highlights the difference BSL can make in helping deaf BSL users feel included in shared moments.

Sign with Fingers Big and Small aims to get Brits started with little lessons to learn some everyday phrases and conversation starters in BSL.

Susanne Nowak, senior brand manager – Cadbury Biscuits, said: “Cadbury Fingers are the much-loved chocolate biscuits made for sharing and we’re on a mission to ensure no one misses out on those everyday shared moments like enjoying a cuppa and an afternoon biscuit with friends and family.

“The new campaign encourages the nation to learn some British Sign Language – a language in which hands and fingers play a crucial role. The launch of the new campaign presents a big opportunity for retailers, who should stock Cadbury Fingers for all to consume and share.”