
Today is the last chance for you to send in your entries to be considered as a contender for this year’s Forecourt Trader Awards, the industry’s most prestigious accolades. 

You have until midnight tonight (Monday May 13) to tell us why your business shines. Your site does not have to be the biggest, the busiest, or even the newest; it just has to be the best at giving customers what they need, day in, day out.

Entering gives your business the chance to be crowned Forecourt Trader of the Year, the top award. But there are many other categories up for grabs, including the best operator in one of six regions, and also 12 specialist categories from best site manager to best sustainability strategy.

The awards, sponsored by Booker Retail Partners, are open to all types of forecourt operations, from rural to motorway sites. They reward the best in the business for their dedication, hard work and resilience. What better way to give your business a boost, than to focus on all the positive elements of your operation and be recognised for all that you and your team have achieved?

Regardless of ownership or operational status, the main retailer categories are grouped by two main criteria – region and fuel volume.

Retailers can compete for the high-status title of Best Forecourt Retailer in one of six regions: Scotland, Northern Ireland, Northern England, Midlands, West Country and Wales, and London and the South East.

For each of the regions there will be a winner for fuel volumes up to 4mpla and over 4mpla.

There is also a category for Best Motorway Services Outlet, a Special Recognition Award and Best Oil Company Initiative.

The overall Forecourt Trader of the Year will be chosen from the winners of the regional and motorway categories.

Specialist categories

In addition to the regional awards, all retailers can submit entries for these specialist categories:

Best Alternative Fuel Outlet – sponsored by GadJet

Best Car Care & Lubricants Outlet – sponsored by CDG

Best Community Engagement – sponsored by Essar

Best Customer Service – sponsored by JTI

Best Drinks Outlet – sponsored by CCEP

Best Forecourt Innovation – sponsored by Spar

Best Food-To-Go Outlet – sponsored by Rollover

Best Forecourt Team

Best Forecourt Loo – sponsored by The Jordon Group

Best Site Manager

Best Sustainability Strategy

Best Valeting Services

All finalists are invited to the exciting awards presentation and dinner on Thursday October 10, 2024, at the Westminster Park Plaza, Westminster Bridge, London. The individual ticket price to the black tie event is £330, and to book a table for 10 guests the price is £3,300.

How to enter

Online: Go to the awards website forecourttraderawards.co.uk

For further information and assistance call Rebecca George on 01293 610422.

Make sure you get your entries in by midnight tonight (Monday May 13).