Rontec Lewes

Top 50 Indie Rontec has applied for planning permission to build a coffee shop at its Lewes Service Station.

The application to the South Downs National Park Authority is for a single storey building with associated parking, landscaping, access and other ancillary works.

The site is located to the north of the A27, approximately 4km west of the centre of Lewes. The site for the coffee shop is adjacent to the existing Lewes Service Station. The application says the site’s relative prominence and location ensures that it is accessible by motorists and provides a service that operates in conjunction with the existing PFS facility that is required by both through traffic and local motorists.

The proposed development will comprise a single-storey building, with associated compound and terraced area, along with eight new customer car parking spaces and two staff car parking spaces. A delivery bay and a refuse area will be located to the side of the new building.

The development will incorporate a comprehensive landscaping scheme, screening the site from views from the A27 from the south and west. A new access/exit point will be formed off the existing service station.

The application says: “The proposal seeks to maximise the existing PFS use in a way that is proportionate with the surrounding environment, functional and in accordance with the service station’s existing operations.”