Greenergy has secured a massive 80-site deal for the Esso brand with its introduction into the network operated by Motor Fuel Group (MFG), the UK’s second largest independent forecourt operator.

Simon Davis, MFG’s fuel operations director, said: "We are delighted to announce this supply deal with Greenergy, a key supplier of Esso Synergy fuels in the UK.

"In a programme running from the beginning of February until the middle of May 2018, 80 stations throughout our network will be rebranded to Esso in its latest 2Di image."

The majority of these stations 71 were previously branded BP.

He added: "We look forward to working with Greenergy who were able to give us a highly competitive deal that now enables us to provide an enhanced fuel offer to our customers and the attractive Tesco Clubcard loyalty scheme."

The deal means Esso is now closing in on BP for the top spot for the number of branded sites across the UK.

In the most recent Forecourt Trader Fuel Market Review, published in June last year, BP had 1,294 branded sites versus 1,098 for Esso.

Over the year to June 2017, BP had added 18 sites compared with Esso’s 52.