The latest trend in sandwich making is the ’glamwich’ a pimped up version of a typical sandwich. A survey of 2,000 adults undertaken by Pilgrims Choice cheese found that one in five consumers are adding fancy fillings to their home-made sandwiches to make their lunches more exciting. Thirty two per cent chose high-quality cheese; 21% went for more interesting bread; 18% added sweet chilli sauce; 10% opted for olives or pesto; while 12% tried to replicate recipes they’d seen or bought in shops.
The research also found that the average consumer saves £29 a month making their own packed lunch.
Alastair Jackson, marketing director at Pilgrims Choice, says: "You only need to look at popular television shows such as MasterChef, Come Dine With Me and Great British Bake Off to see that there is a huge consumer appetite for all things foodie and why should this stop when eating ’al desko?’."
Pilgrims Choice has launched the Good Sandwich Pilgrim app to inspire consumers’ sandwich making. It includes 100 sandwiches with categories such as ’speedy’ and ’glamwich’.
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