All Suppliers articles – Page 7

  • News

    Harvest is back with a competitive dealer offer


    Harvest Energy is back on the dealer trail following an 18 month review, and is supplying fuel at better prices than its major competitors, according to Ian Woodcock, the company’s head of retail and branded wholesale, speaking at last month’s Forecourt Show in Birmingham. "The review probably took longer than ...

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    Sure-footed Shell


    In the summer of 2011 Shell surprised the industry with its purchase of around 250 Total sites from a consortium, Rontec Investments, which had just acquired Total’s UK retail and fuel distribution business. This was during a period when most oil companies as amply illustrated by Total were either rationalising ...

  • News

    Competitive process


    Mention the word refinery, and not long after comes the phrase ’challenging environment’. That’s because the UK’s refineries the few that remain are facing enormous competitive pressures which could threaten their future survival. There was hope that the recent government review into the UK’s refining and fuel imports sectors looking ...

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    Six of the best


    The Nisa-branded forecourt concept is proving a great success, with six retailers fully branded and more in the pipeline, according to Nisa’s format and development director Raj Krishan. The Nisa forecourt partnership package, in which Greenergy supplies the fuel, was launched a year ago, and aims to provide retailers with ...

  • Prime locations

    Prime locations


    Esso’s On the Run format will soon be consigned to the archives as the final tranche of the oil major’s company-owned sites are put on the market, and it charts a new path to growth if not market leadership in the retail fuel market. On the Run was introduced in ...

  • News

    Mission statement


    Despite being the largest retail food chain in the world, Spar is very clear about its goal for 2014 it wants to get more retailers in the UK selling Spar-branded fuel. Last year it began a trial of its retail proposition to independent dealers to put the Spar brand on ...

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    Jet launches standards and services drive


    Jet has launched a new standards and service programme, ’Proud to be Jet’. The programme assesses, benchmarks and continually measures site performance across Jet-branded forecourts based on annual compliance audits and other brand-related activity. The programme has been designed to improve the forecourt experience for customers in terms of facilities ...

  • News

    Esso sells 84 petrol stations


    A deal to sell 84 service stations to two of the Top 50 Indies has been agreed by Esso Petroleum Company and ROC UK (ExxonMobil). Euro Garages has picked up 48 company-owned service stations in the Midlands and eastern England, and 36 company-owned service stations in south-west England and south ...

  • News

    Building a future


    Dealer groups are now signing to the Gulf brand in significant numbers according to Ramsay MacDonald, retail director of Certas Energy (formerly known as GB Oils). The signings mean that the company will start the New Year 53 million litres stronger as a result. He says recent successes, including a ...

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    The swinging ’60s


    Plans to boost the number of Jet sites by 30%, and a raft of initiatives aimed at enhancing the brand’s retailer package were announced at last month’s Phillips 66 annual dealer conference, held in the plush surroundings of Gleneagles, Scotland. At a convivial gathering of more than 200 delegates, including ...

  • News

    Out of storage


    Since Valero Energy acquired the UK marketing and distribution assets of Chevron more than two years ago, it has been on a mission to strengthen its supply infrastructure in order to grow the business. This month sees the completion of a significant part of that project with the coming on ...

  • News

    A head for petrol


    For those of you who believe that staffing at the Petrol Retailers’ Association has been a bit thin on the ground of late, some good news. Step forward Richard Chadderton, the new head of petrol (since July), a full-time, permanent position, realigned from the scope of its previous incumbent to ...

  • News

    Well spotted


    This month sees the start of a new fuel supply service targeting independent, unbranded fuel retailers across the South East. The source of the supply is Prax Petroleum, which has been building up to this point for several months, publicising its services including exhibiting at April’s Forecourt Show at the ...

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    Fuel Market Review: Optimistic outlook


    It’s been another interesting year, but thankfully there has been some stability in the market. Those of you who were at the Top Indies Dinner in March and at Forecourt Live! at the NEC in April will have seen evidence that things are looking quite good for the independent forecourt ...

  • News

    Decent proposal


    Shell in the UK is a far more attractive proposition for both customers and dealers than it has been for some time, according to David Moss, who took over as the company’s general retail manager, north cluster (UK, Denmark, Norway), at the start of the year, replacing Melanie Lane. And ...

  • News

    Star supplier


    It’s about 18 months since Valero Energy acquired the UK assets of Chevron, and with it the legacy of the Texaco brand, which has been in the UK for nearly 100 years. The acquisition of the Pembroke Refinery in Wales, along with related marketing and logistics operations throughout the UK, ...

  • News

    Double take


    Nisa Retail is the latest of the symbol operators which, having realised the potential of the fuel retailing sector, wants to significantly raise its forecourt profile. But unlike the other symbol brands, Nisa intends to push its name on the pole sign as a fuel retailer, not just in the ...

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    Bright outlook


    Hugely challenging’ but ’very exciting and rewarding’ is how Maxol chief operating officer Brian Donaldson describes the brand transformation process that has engrossed the oil company over recent months. Family-owned Maxol invested £12m upgrading and expanding its retail business in 2012, acquiring five new forecourts and starting the roll out ...

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    Future-proof service


    Take two former oil company executives with time on their hands, add in a chance meeting, and the opportunities presented by a rapidly changing oil industry, and what do you get? A new management and consulting company called Fuel Supply Solutions Ltd. Patrick Hudson most recently retail marketing manager at ...

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    Gulf stream


    It’s been more than a year since Ramsay MacDonald took charge of the GB Oils fuel retailing business as retail director. His first duty was to bring a sense of order to the retail network in the aftermath of acquiring the Total and Pace dealer operations. His next and continuing ...