Coop Bewdley

A large number of cigarettes were stolen in a burglary at the Bewdley Bridge Co-op petrol station in Bewdley near Kidderminster at 12.15am on Friday September 22.

Police are appealing for information and witnesses following the break-in which is thought to have been carried out by three people wearing dark clothing and balaclavas.

Sarah Sceats, rural and business crime officer for north Worcestershire, said in a neighbourhood alert: “The offenders forced entry to the front door by smashing the glass. A large number of cigarettes were stolen from the garage. The three offenders have been described as possibly male, wearing dark clothing and balaclavas.”

Anyone with any information about the incident is asked to contact police online, quoting incident number 00010_i_22092023.

Alternatively, people can share information anonymously with the independent charity, Crimestoppers, by calling 0800 555111 or visiting website