derelict forecourt

A derelict petrol station in Helmsdale, on the A9 north route to Thurso and NC500, has recently changed hands.

It was listed for sale (offers over £37,500) by Shepherd Commercial, which described it as a “former petrol filling station site which houses a semi-derelict timber built kiosk together with fuel pumps and underground tanks”. The site measures approximately 425sq m.

According to the Northern Times, a community consultation back in 2010 identified the re-opening of the garage as a top priority. And the sales brochure said planning permission was granted in 2016 for refurbishment but this has since lapsed.

At a recent Community Council meeting, members heard that the new owner was looking for funding to help re-open the site. However, one councillor said that was not going to happen as a previous feasibility study ruled it out.