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Moto says its proposed dual-site service stations would address a “critical shortage” of secure HGV parking near Brentwood

Moto has submitted plans for a 24-hour dual-site motorway service area on the M25 near Brentwood, including rapid charging for HGVs, green living roofs, and solar panels.

The outline planning application to Brentwood Borough Council is to provide parking spaces for up to 850 car and motorcycles, and for up to 450 heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), which Moto says will help address the ”critical shortage” of secure HGV parking spaces in the vicinity.

The proposal for the parking includes at least 100 electric vehicle charging stations for cars and vans, and also rapid charging spaces for six HGVs.

Under the plans both sites on either side of the motorway at junctions 27 and 28 will feature drive-thru restaurants. Also they will each have a forecourt canopy with six islands, 12 filling points, and a station shop. And each will have a separate HGV and coach designated forecourt with three islands and four to five filling points.

Amenity buildings will offer products from hot and cold food to essential goods, along with on-site toilets, pay phones, and shower and seating areas.

The proposals also include a green living roof and solar panels, to sustainably generate energy, alongside a commitment to enhancing local woodland, hedgerows, and habitats.

When the sites are operational, Moto says they will be open 365 days of the year, and will employ the equivalent of at least 250 full-time staff.

The application comes after National Highways called a meeting with motorway service area operators in February 2022 to raise its concerns over safety on the northeast section of the M25 near Brentwood because of a lack of MSA provision on the northeast quadrant of the M25.