In order to cater to the 1.2million vegetarians in the UK, Bonds Confectionery has strengthened its vegetarian offering which now boasts over 100 varieties of confectionery.
Traders wanting to stock an extensive range of vegetarian products can now choose from favourites such as Strawberry Bon Bons, Fizzy Dummies and Chocolate Éclairs to sweet treats such as Flying Saucers and Jelly Beans.
The company says that by stocking vegetarian products that appeal to the widest possible audience, retailers are able to enhance their audience while still providing a standard range.
Philip Courtenay-Luck, managing director of Bonds Confectionery, commented: “The initial motivation to develop our vegetarian range was to ensure our products continued to appeal to the widest possible audience. Some of our most popular products are suitable for vegetarians, thus providing retailers with a varied range which is simple to merchandise and constantly in demand.”
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