Reckitt Benckiser is planning to provide substantial support for its cold and flu remedies during the key purchasing period from October through to March.
Kate Sweeney, senior brand manager, said: “Reckitt Benckiser with its Nurofen, Lemsip, and Strepsils brands, literally has winter ‘all wrapped up’ for the retailer: leading brands that customers want, with direct to consumer TV, online, social media and OOH campaigns to the value of over £12m. Campaigns break in October and continue through until spring 2015, keeping the brands in front of consumers and helping to drive sales.”
She added: “As a distress purchase cold and flu and pain relief is also of great importance to independent retailers – because so often these purchases are made on the way to or from work or, if a member of the family is unwell, a quick trip to the local shop can be the first line in keeping the family on form.”
She suggested the top five products that convenience stores should stock where space is at a premium should be:
• Lemsip Max All in One – cold and flu;
• Nurofen Express Caplets – express pain relief;
• Lemsip Cough – an all in one product for colds and coughs;
• Strepsils Extra Blackcurrant (16s) – for sore throats;
• Nurofen for Children Cold, Pain and Fever, Strawberry (100ml) – for pain, cold and fever relief in children.
Nurofen will be highlighting the key message that cold and flu symptoms are not caused by the virus - but by the body’s inflammatory response to the virus. This season’s campaigns will feature the strapline: ‘‘Nurofen targets the inflammation at the source of your cold and flu symptoms”.
Lemsip will be announcing the first hot drink solution for chesty coughs, sugar-free and colour-free options and Lemsip Mucus Cough liquid
Sweeney said Lemsip Cough Max for Chesty Cough and Cold powder for Oral Solution is the first hot drink solution for chesty cough relief. Unlike cough syrups it not only breaks down mucus but also eases aches and pains.
While there has been limited sugar-free options, Lemsip Mucus Cough Liquid Sugar and Colour Free is the first to combine and taps into the growing trend in health awareness, meeting the needs of the more health conscious cough sufferer who is turned off by perceived high sugar content.
Sweeney said: “These additions to the Lemsip range provide retailers with a great opportunity to help more customers, increase sales and maximise profit this winter.”
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