Penny Bonnybridge

Top 50 Indie Penny Petroleum has applied for planning permission to make changes to its Cowden Service Station in Bonnybridge, Stirlingshire.

The plans include a shop extension, decommissioning and removal of a fuel pump and pump island, and relocation of the jet wash.

The reason for the application was cited as offering better facilities to customers and better disability access to the shop.

The shop extension is proposed for the north west side of the existing shop and comprises additional retail space and a new entrance door. The existing 56 m2 shop would be extended by 45 m2. It would include a single sliding automatic door to allow for disabled access. A new footpath would also be created up to the new shop entrance.

The application included the removal and decommissioning of fuel pumps nine and 10 to allow tankers to access the site more easily.

The proposed shop extension would require the removal of the existing jet wash bays. A new jet wash station with two car bays is proposed to replace these. New drainage sumps would be installed and linked into the existing foul drainage line. The two jet wash bays would have new glazed screens installed to each side.