A1 Auto’s Ltd has applied for planning permission to open a hand car wash and valeting facility on a former forecourt in Hylton Road, Worcester. The site last operated as a car rental business.
The application has come under scrutiny because of its history as a forecourt.
Under the heading ‘Unexpected contamination’, Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) has noted that the application contains details of a separator, but it is not clear whether the current interceptor is to be kept in place, decommissioned, removed or replaced.
The WRS representative said that if it is not decommissioned, it should be cleaned and maintained, to avoid residual oil from entering the drains. They added that water containing detergent or soap of any kind should not be allowed to enter the interceptor otherwise oil/petrol could be washed into the drains. This, and any intrusive works, should be discussed with the County Petroleum Officer.
It said: “In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported immediately to the Local Planning Authority.
“The applicant is advised to immediately seek the advice of an independent geo-environmental consultant experienced in contaminated land risk assessment, including intrusive investigations and remediation.”
In addition, Worcestershire County Council – acting in its role as the Highway Authority – has recommended that the application is refused because adequate parking and manoeuvring has not been demonstrated. It is worried about the change of using having a detrimental impact on highway safety.