Cimbali has extended its range of automatic professional coffee machines with the launch of the S20, a smaller version of the S30 Perfect Touch.

The S20 is designed to deliver up to 200 cups of coffee and milk-based beverages a day and with its compact size and small footprint it is designed for use where space is at a premium and lower drink volumes are anticipated.

When configured in ‘power station’ mode, the S20 can simultaneously deliver milk-based beverages from two adjacent machines, using only one fridge, thus further optimising the work space.

The S20 features a 7” touch screen display and an integrated Wi-Fi system that allows remote control of all the machine’s settings (coffee boiler temperature, pump rate, recipe settings, type of screen saver, colour of the lights, etc.), analysis of consumption data (such as coffee and milk quantities used), and preventive maintenance.

“The S20 meets the need in the market for a low-volume high-spec machine that can produce the quality that consumers have come to expect across the speciality drinks menu,” explained Daniel Clarke, managing director La Cimbali. “Thanks to the precision of the technology the S20 is capable of delivering even single origin and speciality coffee to a consistent standard over a period of time.

“Milk prep is easy and safe thanks to the cool touch Turbo Steam 4 steam wand and as well as coffee and chocolate, hot textured milk is also available so the barista can get creative with new recipe development to keep customers engaged through the seasons.”