Wayne Fueling Systems has launched its new iX Pay T7 pay-at-pump terminal for fuel retailers.
The iX Pay T7 terminal can be used to bring legacy fuel dispensers into EMV-compliance regardless of original equipment manufacturer. To be compliant with payment network EMV requirements which helps reduce counterfeit fraud, US fuel retailers are encouraged to upgrade their outdoor pay-at-the-pump equipment by October 2017. The iX Pay T7 terminal is designed to meet the latest published security standards and also offers retailers advanced technology to enable upgrade flexibility for many years to come.
“We realised soon after the US EMV payment security compliance standards were published, that upgrading existing original equipment to meet these standards would be challenging and costly for many retailers,” said Wayne chief executive officer Neil Thomas.
“Our goal from the beginning was to design and manufacture a solution that would make this transition simple and cost effective for customers — even those who do not utilise our dispensers. With the iX Pay T7 terminal, we have created an industry-wide solution.”
The unit features a 7-inch widescreen VGA display, a touchscreen user interface, media capabilities, and a state-of-the-art secure keypad.
Wayne said the the terminals are compact and easy-to-install and also integrate seamlessly with the Wayne Fusion 6000 forecourt controller connecting to the Wayne NAMOS point-of-sale (POS) system.
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