Stradishall garage

Harding Garage Services aka Stradishall Service Station in Stradishall, Suffolk, has applied for planning permission for a knockdown rebuild.

Stradishall Service Station currently comprises a series of older buildings including an MOT bay, shop and workshops, all sitting on a 0.2 hectare site.

The owners wish to develop and improve the site to “serve the surrounding community far better and ensure the legacy of the site for future generations”.

On behalf of the applicant, Shipton Design Ltd said the development would be a significant positive addition to the existing shops, pubs and restaurants in the area for both the local residents and the passing traffic.

The application said the demolition of the existing shop and the construction of a more contemporary one will allow for a new forecourt layout with upgraded pumps, new tanks and new canopy – all in the position of the existing shop. This will also allow for the repositioning of the offset fillers to make tanker deliveries easier.

The new shop would be oriented to face the fuelling area to give staff a clear view over the whole of the forecourt and allow drivers to see clearly into the shop.

“In all respects, the project is highly beneficial both in providing a new retail unit on this site and improving the appearance of the site by demolition of the current small unsightly building. It will also clear the existing site and allow for the upgrade to the existing forecourt and will also be a significant contribution to the character and distinctiveness of the area as a whole,” said the application.

However, a local café owner has already objected to the addition of food to go on the site, while a local resident says it will be unfair competition for the café.