Find out how forecourt retailers can make the most ready-to-drink chilled coffee and win cash for their store and local community.
Ready-to-drink (RTD) chilled coffee is one of the fastest-growing soft drink segments in GB1 and a key driver of growth within soft drinks. Now worth £280.5m and up 15.5% in value over the past 12 months2, the sector has added an extra £37.6m during that time3. It is growing ahead of the total market across the impulse sector4 and is also in volume growth, demonstrating that more shoppers are buying RTD chilled coffee more often5.
RTD chilled coffee is incredibly diverse; featuring lattes, flat whites and frappés, it caters to a broad variety of different tastes and occasions, offering shoppers a choice of low-, medium- and high-intensity caffeine options as well as different coffee flavours and levels of sweetness.
Boosting your RTD chilled coffee sales
“There is a lot that forecourt retailers can do in-store to make their RTD chilled coffee range work harder and drive more sales,” says Pippa Foster, associate director of commercial development at Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP), manufacturer and distributor of the Costa Coffee RTD range.
- Chilled: Bring all the RTD chilled coffee brands together in one chiller alongside soft drinks and milkshakes, and brand-block to make it easier for shoppers to find what they are looking for straight away;
- Range: Make sure your range caters for consumers’ different needs – featuring flat whites, lattes and frappés ensures the on-the-go hit, everyday and treat occasions are covered with different intensity coffees;
- Space: Increase space to recognise the strong growth the segment is enjoying and to support availability over the peak summer months. Almost two-thirds (64%) of morning food-to-go occasions involve coffee6, so ensure chilled coffee options are available and visible in your outlet.
Costa Coffee’s RTD range is outperforming the segment by some margin, up 59% in value7 and 47% in volume8, which makes Costa the fastest-growing major RTD chilled coffee brand in GB9. This success can be put down in part to the widespread popularity of the Costa Coffee brand – the nation’s favourite coffee shop for the last 13 years10. Costa Coffee also offers one of the only full ranges in the segment to be 100% HFSS-compliant.
Retailer incentive: win cash for your store and community this summer
To help give consumers a lift this summer, Costa Coffee is running a marketing campaign and the first-ever on-pack promotion across its Latte variants, with a whole host of ‘tasty prizes’ on offer, reveals Pippa.
“To mark the arrival of Costa’s first on-pack promotion, the company is giving independent convenience and forecourt retailers across the country the chance to win a share of £7,500 in cash for themselves and for a local good cause or charity in their community,” she says.
“Retailers can be entered into a series of prize draws when they either purchase case deals of Costa at participating wholesalers or request point-of-sale kits from the company’s trade website My.CCEP and showcase them being used in store alongside key Costa lines.”
Visit for more information and to request a POS kit today while stocks last.
1 to 3 Nielsen Total GB incl. discounters, MAT val w/e 25.03.23
4 Nielsen Total GB Impulse MAT val w/e 25.03.23
5 Nielsen Total GB incl. discounters, MAT vol w/e 25.03.23
6 Lumina Intelligence, March 2022
7 to 9 Nielsen Total GB incl. discounters, MAT val w/e 25.03.23
10 Allegra Project Café 2022