
ACS chief executive James Lowman

ACS is encouraging convenience retailers operating in Scotland to sign up with Circularity Scotland to stay up to date with information surrounding the introduction of a deposit return scheme.

Circularity Scotland is the appointed scheme administrator for the deposit return scheme, currently scheduled to come into effect in summer 2022.

Unless exempt, all retailers in Scotland will be required to take back containers once the scheme comes into force. All retailers will be required to charge the 20p deposit on eligible containers.

As part of their activity ahead of the introduction of the scheme, Circularity Scotland (CSL) has created a toolkit to help promote and raise awareness of DRS to producers and return point operators. CSL is also encouraging retailers to sign up to its mailing list to ensure they receive updates of any scheme developments and key information. Retailers can sign up to the Circularity Scotland mailing list here.

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: “We have a unique opportunity to create a workable and effective deposit return scheme through Circularity Scotland, and the Association of Convenience Stores is committed to meeting this challenge alongside colleagues and partners from retail, the wider industry, and everyone who can unite behind this common objective.”
