McKinsey report

Nearly 30% of drivers globally are likely to switch back to ICE vehicles, mostly due to difficulties with charging.

That’s the headline news from a new Mobility Consumer Pulse report from McKinsey.

The company surveyed drivers from countries including the US, France, Germany, Australia, China and Japan. Those in Australia and the US were most likely to switch back to an ICE vehicle, with nearly 50% of drivers in each country saying so.

The top reason cited was that the public charging infrastructure was not yet good enough, followed by the cost of ownership and then the fact that long distance trips were far too impacted by the charging process.

Other findings from the report included:

• 38% of drivers who do not yet have an EV would consider a BEV or PHEV for their next car.

• Interest in buying a BEV is twice as high in drivers who currently have a premium/luxury car.

• Only 9% consider the current EV charging infrastructure to be sufficient.

• 27% of European buyers are open to purchasing a Chinese car.

• 29% would like to replace their private vehicle completely with a different form of transport within the next 10 years.

The report also found that EV buyers were generally younger, more urban and more tech savvy than other drivers. They also have higher disposable incomes, drive longer distances and are able to charge at home.

