MFG is installing 600 dual-purpose air and screen wash machines, and refurbishing 300 existing units, which are being upgraded to take card and mobile phone payments

MFG is continuing to roll out contactless forecourt equipment, believing that drivers are attracted by the convenience in an era when fewer consumers are carrying cash.

The Top 50 Indie is installing 600 dual-purpose air and screen wash machines, and refurbishing 300 existing units, which are being upgraded to take card and mobile phone payments.

MFG, the UK’s biggest independent forecourt operator, has already been introducing contactless valeting, with its AIR-serv jet washes and rollover carwashes.

The installation of the new air and screenwash equipment and the retrospective fitting of the Nayax contactless payment module will be completed by the end of the year. So far, one third of the new and retrofitted units are in place.

This follows a six-month trial at 13 sites in the southeast of England last year, which showed “a significant” increase in revenue by offering contactless payment on air and screen wash machines.

The new units, which take cash payment too, are supplied and maintained by AIR-serv.

AIR-serv’s general sales manager Tom Byrne says introducing contactless air and screen wash machines can significantly increase revenue on this equipment.

“I have previously owned a petrol station and know that motorists don’t always have time to visit the shop to get change. With fewer people carrying cash, if people can’t use their phone or a card when they pull up to check their tyres, they won’t bother. But if they see they can go contactless, they will do it straightaway. It’s all about ease of use,” he says.

Byrne maintains that there has been a big switch to contactless payments on air and screen wash machines and that the rest of the industry will follow this trend as vending fees increase.

AIR-serv is supplying MFG with the air and screenwash machines in two branded decals depending on whether they are positioned in electric vehicle charging areas or the traditional forecourt.
