• Almost three quarters of electric vehicle (EV) owners believe they are now more considerate drivers since making the switch away from a petrol or diesel car
  • Over two-thirds of EV drivers have changed their driving styles to conserve energy and benefit the environment by further decarbonising
  • More than half of couples who drive an EV compete to be the most efficient driver

FT SMMT electric vehicles Electrified 2021 Westminster Bridge crop

Almost three quarters (73%) of EV owners believe they are ‘more considerate’ drivers, having made the switch to an electric car, according to new research from Love my EV, a dedicated EV and green energy comparison site.

It concludes that EV drivers are not only playing a vital role in reducing harmful emissions, but also making roads a safer and more pleasant place to be.

The research revealed that more than two thirds (67%) of EV drivers have completely changed their driving style since moving away from fossil fuels, and claim to be less aggressive with their accelerating and braking - a change in behaviour that Love my EV says only saves drivers money by reducing the frequency or length of battery charge required, but also benefits the environment as less energy is used and wasted.

But the study also revealed that there is still a role for increased driver education, as almost nine per cent of EV drivers do not realise they can maximise each charge of their battery by driving less aggressively, reducing acceleration speed and using regenerative braking. Regenerative braking improves energy efficiency and extends the vehicle’s driving range.

Eight in 10 EV owners apparently make use of regenerative braking, which turns wasted energy from braking into electricity to charge the battery and boost efficiency, with half of these drivers doing so frequently.

Also revealed in the feedback is the fact that couples are competing to maximise the mileage of their vehicle per kWh. More than half of all drivers admit they compete with a partner to be the most efficient driver, by either using the momentum of the vehicle to recharge their battery and/or paying more attention to the road in order to avoid harsh braking.

Mat Thomson, co-founder of Love my EV, said: “Electric vehicles offer incredible environmental benefits in terms of lower emissions, but it is great to hear that they could also be positively impacting driver behaviour. Avoiding harsh braking and excessive acceleration not only saves drivers money by maximising the number of miles they can drive on each full charge, but it also makes for a nicer environment for all road users.

“Higher efficiency per mile means the ‘all-in’ cost of driving an EV can be much lower than many people think. Love my EV matches people to an EV that is best suited to their unique needs, while also finding the best value and greenest home energy to power their car and home with.”

