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The new to industry site is off the A92 between Aberdeen and Portlethen

The second EG On The Move site in Scotland launches today with four ultra-fast electric vehicle chargepoints, dedicated HGV lanes, and 10 company-branded fuel pumps.

The new to industry Portlethen Service Station, off the A92 between Aberdeen and Portlethen, forms part of the new franchise agreement between the Co-op and Zuber Issa’s now 41-strong petrol forecourt business.

Portlethen Service Station is one of seven EG On The Move sites to trial the Co-op brand, with the convenience chain hoping to roll-out the franchise into other forecourts following its success with Top 50 Indie SGN.

The new build 24-hour site, off Hillside Road, has a Co-op branded convenience store, with self-service Starbucks coffee, and a branch of Sbarro, described as a fast food restaurant specialising in New York-style pizza.

EG On The Move says that it has surplus space at the site for which it has planning approval for two drive-thru units. It expects to complete this phase two of the project next year with more brand partners.

The shop has a focus on fresh, chilled and healthy produce, with meal ideas and everyday essentials. Its range includes freshly prepared sandwiches and food-to-go, Fairtrade products, flowers, car care; ready-meals, pizzas and, free-from, vegan and plant-based products.

Online home delivery of groceries is set to launch shortly via Deliveroo.

Of the 41 sites now in Zuber’s network 34 of them are transferring from his family’s EG Group, in a deal which is expected to conclude this October. He is selling his shares in Asda to build his own forecourt empire. 

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There are four EV chargepoints at Portlethen Service Station

The new site’s store manager Dannielle Stewart, said: “Our aim is to operate at the heart of local life and we have worked to develop the range, choice and added services to create a compelling offer to serve our community and motorists travelling through the area.”

Martin Rogers, director of partnership development, Co-op, added: “We are delighted to be working with EG On The Move, our second forecourt partner, helping us achieve our ambitious plans in this exciting sector.

”We look forward to further growing our franchise business, working with partners of pedigree to bring Co-op products and membership to more communities, creating more value for our member-owners.”

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Food for now and later available at the 24-hour site