Spar Victoria Service Station, on the outskirts of Leeds, has been relaunched after a £1m revamp of its filling station and food store. Owned by the Patel family for 25 years, the store’s re-investment programme was led by Spar wholesaler James Hall & Co.

Owner Dilawer Husen Patel said: "The aim of the relaunch was to meet customer demands for a fast-food offering while also refreshing our community store for local residents. Our valued partnership with James Hall and Spar UK meant that its team of store designers, engineers and merchandisers helped us to achieve the finished result, alongside building contractors McFadden Group Ltd."

Trade was maintained throughout the refurbishment programme and the 24-hour store now offers a gourmet fast food express outlet Frankie’s and an improved forecourt layout of 12 petrol pumps. The revamp has also seen the installation of an Alfa Power rapid-charge point.