Grob Group 4

Certas Energy expects demand for HVO to continue to grow over the next decade

Grob Group, a fire protection, ventilation and industrial automation specialist, has switched its delivery vehicles to hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) in a bid to be net zero by 2030.

Its HVO supplier Certas Energy says that the decision to move the LeFactory branded fleet of 10 vehicles from diesel will reduce carbon emissions by up to 90%.

Grob Group has been fuelling its fire protection vehicles with HVO since December 2023, and says that the recent decision was a ‘no-brainer’. It points to the large reduction in carbon compared to white diesel, and the cost gap between the fuels reducing. Also it says the high cost of buying electric vehicles currently is prohibitive.

Darren Holloway commercial director for energy solutions at Certas Energy expects other fleets to follow.

“We are pleased to be able to support Grob Group and early-adopters of HVO to meet their net zero goals,” he says. ”This transition fuel will continue to play a central role in helping to decarbonise road transport, and other industries, in the short- and medium-term, benefiting our customers across the UK.

“I expect demand for HVO to continue to grow over the next decade, so now is the time to trial this sustainable solution at your business.”