hand car wash didcot

The site of the new hand car wash in Didcot

Planning permission has been granted for a new hand car wash at 60-68 Broadway in Didcot.

The applicant says he owns a successful hand car wash on the south side of Broadway, near the Marlborough Club, and he will now open a similar car wash on the north side, on a brown field site, near Travis Perkins.

The site is currently completely clear, fenced and level, with a good frontage onto a busy road.

The application presented to South Oxfordshire District Council said hand car washes offer a ‘human service’. “Non-mechanised car wash facilities have advantages over their mechanical counterparts as they are more ‘environmentally friendly’, the vehicles are cleaned more thoroughly, with less damage and they generate human interaction between the operatives and the clients,” it stated.

The application was passed despite objections by some on the town council and by neighbouring residents. They were concerned that the development would lead to a reduction in roadside car parking to the south of the site on Broadway. It will, as the applicant and council officers agreed that nine parking spaces will be lost, but they said there was sufficient car parking capacity within the area to accommodate the loss.

The valeting is expected to be carried out under three marquees. Another marquee will act as a drivers’ waiting space. There will also be toilet facilities and a secure space for materials and plant.

The application says a petrol interceptor and 4-Stage water re-cycling units will be placed in the ground along with the correct drainage and plumbing. “This will enable the applicant to recycle the water for use in the pressure washers and be certain that any water that is discharged will be free from any detergents and harmful substance,” it stated.

It also said the car wash would generate employment and support business activities. It described the hand car wash and valeting work as a “labour intense light-duty activity carried out by lower skilled workers”.

The business expects to employ 12 people drawn from the local community.