Planning permission for the redevelopment of Hedworth Service Station at Leam Lane, Jarrow, has been granted to SRJ Energy by South Tyneside Council.
The planning application proposed the demolition of the existing service station and redevelopment to provide a new petrol filling station facility, comprising a canopy/forecourt, sales building, underground storage tanks, associated parking, landscaping, and other ancillary works.
A new 345sq m forecourt shop / sales building will be located to the south of the site looking on to the forecourt to provide natural surveillance.
The layout includes nine car parking spaces, including a disabled parking space, and two electric vehicle charging spaces located to the west of the site. Cycle parking is provided close to the shop entrance by the customer parking.
Provision of a water/air dispenser bay is included between the customer parking spaces and the electric vehicle parking spaces. There will also be three new underground tanks.
In a planning statement prepared for SRJ Energy, Rapleys stated: “The existing site represents a somewhat outdated PFS facility (both visually and operationally), and its redevelopment is essential in order to provide an enhanced facility capable of meeting the demands of a modern PFS operator and its customers.
“These changes very much reflect the changing nature of PFS facilities throughout the country. They are no longer just a place for customers to purchase fuel, particularly in cases such as this where they are located off the strategic highway network and sit adjacent to nearby residential development.
“Service stations such as this, will be used by customers seeking to take a break from their journey, by local residents looking to purchase something from the forecourt shop / sales building, and by customers looking to charge their electric vehicle, as well as those who want to purchase fuel from the site.
“The service station therefore represents an importance piece of local transport infrastructure and an important local service / community facility.”
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