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The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has launched a new explainer video and briefing, providing a comprehensive explanation of Scotland’s deposit return scheme (DRS).

The briefing has been developed to provide retailers with an overview of DRS in Scotland, which is due to go live on 16th August 2023.

The scheme will cover a range of materials including PET plastic, aluminium, steel and glass. Scotland aims to achieve a 90% collection rate for materials in scope by 2025.

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: “It is important that retailers in Scotland are aware of and understand DRS ahead of its implementation next year and we have developed these resources to provide retailers with all the information that they will need.

“We will continue to engage with the Scottish government and Circularity Scotland ahead of implementation to communicate the key priorities of our sector.”

ACS is inviting retailers to attend the next Responsible Retailing Expert Group meeting to explore the latest insights on regulatory compliance, including deposit return schemes.

The next meeting, taking place virtually on 24th November, will feature representatives from Circularity Scotland who will be available to answer members’ questions. Anyone wishing to attend the virtual meeting should contact

The explainer video and slide deck can be found on the ACS Member Portal here.
