Wetherby services

Moto has been granted permission to build a solar farm adjacent to Wetherby Services on the A1(M) to power its EV chargepoints.

Moto says the development is crucial for the ongoing functionality of Wetherby MSA.

The solar power will not only charge the existing points but will allow for the roll out of 80 more chargepoints.

The site in question measures 5.23 hectares and is located on a parcel of land to the north of Wetherby Services, within open countryside.

The solar farm will comprise 12,418 photovoltaic solar panels mounted on 19 rows of supporting structures, with a maximum height of just over 2m. The panels are expected to generate up to 7mW of renewable energy. The solar PV layout has been designed to include as many continuous rows as possible to help achieve a uniform installation from a visual perspective.

Moto has agreed on a biodiversity enhancement management plan with the local council that will ensure native trees, shrubs and wildflowers are planted. There is also a pledge from the company to manage biodiversity on the site for the next 40 years.

Upon granting the planning permission, North Yorkshire Council said the solar farm would make an important contribution to meeting commitments around carbon dioxide emissions and climate change.

