All Pitstop articles
PIT STOP: EG On The Move Saddle Inn Services, Preston
Our mystery shopper, on a mission to find lunch, visited one of Zuber Issa’s EG On The Move’s newest two sites, a knockdown rebuild on land occupied by a former pub, on a busy roundabout on a recently opened stretch of Preston’s Western Distributor road, Edith Rigby Way.
PIT STOP: MFG Country, Warmington, Northamptonshire/Cambridgeshire border
Our mystery shopper on a mission visits one of MFG’s latest sites, which opened this spring, off the A605 between Peterborough and Oundle. It is the group’s first knock-down rebuild this year.
PITSTOP: Forfar Services, Longlevens, Forfar
Our mystery motorist on a mission visits Park Forfar
PITSTOP: Nisa Local Potton
Mystery motorist on a mission visits Nisa Local Potton in Sandy, Bedfordshire.
PITSTOP: Centra Mallusk, Mayfield Link, Newtonabbey, NI
Our mystery motorist on a mission visits Circle K-branded Centra Mallusk Service Station in Mayfield Link Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland
PITSTOP: Spar Winsford, Cheshire
Mystery motorist on a mission visits the Shell-branded Spar Winsford site in Cheshire
PITSTOP: Shell Recharge Fulham
Mystery motorist on a mission… Shell Recharge, Fulham Road, London
PITSTOP: Beaconsfield services
Mystery motorist on a mission - G Group/ Asda Extra Special, Beaconsfield, Bucks
PITSTOP: Jet New North Road
Mystery motorist on a mission - Jet New North Road, Ilford, Essex
PITSTOP: We check out Little Waitrose at Shell Wheatsheaf, Surrey
Mystery motorist on a mission… This site was one of the pilot stores to launch the Alliance concept between Shell and Waitrose.
PITSTOP: Mystery motorist on a mission: Rontec Gateway, Leeds
Mystery motorist on a mission: Rontec Gateway, Leeds
Shop Doctor: In the surgery this month - BP Wexham Wexham Road, Slough
Location: The site is just off a roundabout in a busy part of Slough. It is easy to spot thanks to the BP pole sign and canopy. The pole sign includes the Costcutter logo and Costa Express as well as BP Ultimate. There is also extensive advertising for the ...
Shop Doctor: In the surgery this month - Jempsons Express, Peasmarsh, East Sussex
LOCATION: On the A268 in the village of Peasmarsh near Rye in East Sussex. Forecourt: You wouldn’t know there was a Jet forecourt with shop attached if you drove through Peasmarsh. Yes, you would see a sign for Jempson’s, but there’s nothing to say there’s a petrol station there. You ...
Shop Doctor: In the surgery this month - Guild Foods Market
Location: On the busy Woodbridge Road in Guildford Forecourt: The site is on a busy road and I could see the forecourt thanks to the BP canopy, however it was disappointing that the top part of the BP pole sign was dark the bulbs must have blown! It’s a small ...
Shop Doctor: In the surgery this month - Three Elm Service Station Tonbridge, Kent
Location: Off the A26 between Hadlow and Tonbridge. Forecourt: My visit to Three Elm was in the evening and the site looked stunning thanks to the BP colours on the canopy and well-lit forecourt. And although it was a dark, rainy night the site was actually very busy. There is ...
Shop Doctor: In the surgery this month - Cairn Lodge Services
Location: Cairn Lodge Services is located just off the A74(M) between junctions 11 and 12 and is accessible from both the north and southbound carriageways. Forecourt: The Shell forecourt and shop are down one end of Cairn Lodge Services, separated from the impressive Farmshop and Kitchen by an extensive car ...